27 May 2021

Random Notes On Ordinary World

Ordinary World is an excellent novel produced by Lu Yao, a famous Chinese writer. It describes some specific persons’ lives, experiences, and thoughts in 1970s, China. This novel really takes us into the world of 1970s and enables us to experience and feel what people experienced and felt at that time. The life known from the history books and heard from parents or grandparents is now in front of me. For me, each person in this novel is not just a fabricated character but a real people, which I think is truly amazing and it’s also my first time to have such feeling. It’s like I’m not just a reader but everyone’s friend who can let them express their inner thoughts to me.

Our main character, Sun Shaoping, born in a poor family of a poor village in the northwestern China. His family tried their best to let him completed his study at senior high school, where he made some good friends and read lots of books that enriched his spirit world. After high school, he went back to home for farming. At that time, farming is basically the only way to survive for people like him. However, Sun didn’t stop chasing his dream, which is leading a better life and seeing bigger world. He then successfully persuaded his family to let him make his own way in the city. And finally he succeeded. Undeniable, it took a lot for him to make his own way in the city both physically and spiritually. But that’s exactly what made him stronger and more tenacious.

The spirit of Sun Shaoping inspires me a lot. He remained strong and followed his heart even when the external environment highly impeded him from chasing his dream. Compared with what Sun experienced, the so-called difficulties and failures in my 22-years life are really negligible. Sun actually gives me the courage and strength to face the potential difficulties in my following life. I’ll recall Sun Shaoping’s experience the next time I’m frustrated by the obstacles in life.
