About Me

Chen Siyuan

I'm Chen Siyuan (陈思远), a Master of Engineering (MEng) student at Nanyang Technological University (NTU). Before that I got my Bachelor degree from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), majoring in Digital Media Technology through School of Computer Science and Engineering. I'm interested in machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, etc.


Bachelor of Engineering

Obtained my Bachelor degree from School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC). Majoring in digital media technology.


Master of Engineering (by research)

Currently pursuing MEng degree advised by Prof Mao Kezhi at School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (NTU). Research area is NLP.



Event Causality Identification

Proposed to integrate both explicit and implicit knowledge with graph-based neural networks for event causality identification. Our model achieved the best results on 3 benchmark datasets. Aug 2022–Jan. 2023.

Emotion Cause Pair Extraction

Proposed a novel GAT-based model which utilizes external knowledge and multi-granular information. Our model achieved the best results on the benchmark datasets. Spet. 2021–Aug 2022.

Open-domain Knowledge Graph Completion

Proposed a novel embedding-based knowledge graph completion model that is able to deal with unseen entities and achieved better-than-baseline performance on DBPedia50k and FB20k datasets, and implemented a GUI system using PyQt. Jan. 2021–June 2021.

Skin lesion classification project

Applied Matching Networks to classify skin lesion images. Dataset is ISIC 2018 Task 3. After using data augmentation techniques such as translation and rotation, the accuracy reached 76%. Supervised by Prof Chen Juan. Oct. 2019–Jan. 2020.

Working experience


Incoming Algorithm Engineer at Huawei company.

Nov 2023
Algorithm Engineer